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To be used ideally with emmeans::contrast. Each contrasts is tested (sum to 0?) and scaled so that all positive weights sum to 1 (and all negative weights to -1).


contrast_weights(..., .name = "custom", .adjust = NULL)

cw(..., .name = "custom", .adjust = NULL)



Can be:

  • Unnamed scalars.

  • (Possibly named) vectors if equal length


The label as it will appear in the results in emmeans.


Gives the default adjustment method for multiplicity (used in emmeans).


Depending on input, either a vector or a data frame of scaled weights.



mod <- lm(mpg ~ factor(cyl) * am, mtcars)

my_contrasts <- data.frame(
  "squares" = c(-1, 2, -1),
  "4 vs 6" = c(-30, 30, 0),
  check.names = FALSE

(my_contrasts2 <- cw(my_contrasts))
#>   squares 4 vs 6
#> 1    -0.5     -1
#> 2     1.0      1
#> 3    -0.5      0
my_contrasts3 <- cw(my_contrasts, .adjust = "fdr")

(emms <- emmeans(mod, ~ cyl + am))
#>  cyl am emmean    SE df lower.CL upper.CL
#>    4  0   22.9 1.751 26     19.3     26.5
#>    6  0   19.1 1.516 26     16.0     22.2
#>    8  0   15.1 0.875 26     13.3     16.8
#>    4  1   28.1 1.072 26     25.9     30.3
#>    6  1   20.6 1.751 26     17.0     24.2
#>    8  1   15.4 2.144 26     11.0     19.8
#> Confidence level used: 0.95 

contrast(emms, method = my_contrasts, by = "am")
#> am = 0:
#>  contrast estimate    SE df t.ratio p.value
#>  squares      0.30  3.61 26   0.083  0.9344
#>  4 vs 6    -113.25 69.48 26  -1.630  0.1152
#> am = 1:
#>  contrast estimate    SE df t.ratio p.value
#>  squares     -2.34  4.24 26  -0.552  0.5858
#>  4 vs 6    -225.25 61.59 26  -3.658  0.0011
contrast(emms, method = my_contrasts2, by = "am") # estimate is affected!
#> am = 0:
#>  contrast estimate   SE df t.ratio p.value
#>  squares      0.15 1.80 26   0.083  0.9344
#>  4 vs 6      -3.77 2.32 26  -1.630  0.1152
#> am = 1:
#>  contrast estimate   SE df t.ratio p.value
#>  squares     -1.17 2.12 26  -0.552  0.5858
#>  4 vs 6      -7.51 2.05 26  -3.658  0.0011
contrast(emms, method = my_contrasts3, by = "am") # p value is affected
#> am = 0:
#>  contrast estimate   SE df t.ratio p.value
#>  squares      0.15 1.80 26   0.083  0.9344
#>  4 vs 6      -3.77 2.32 26  -1.630  0.2303
#> am = 1:
#>  contrast estimate   SE df t.ratio p.value
#>  squares     -1.17 2.12 26  -0.552  0.5858
#>  4 vs 6      -7.51 2.05 26  -3.658  0.0023
#> P value adjustment: fdr method for 2 tests 

# Also in interaction contrasts
contrast(emms, interaction = list(cyl = my_contrasts2, am = "pairwise"))
#>  cyl_custom am_pairwise estimate   SE df t.ratio p.value
#>  squares    0 - 1           1.32 2.79 26   0.474  0.6393
#>  4 vs 6     0 - 1           3.73 3.09 26   1.206  0.2386