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Log-likelihood (and by extension AIC and BIC) for log-normal models fit with stats::lm(log(y) ~ ...) are computed with stats::dnorm(log(y), ...) instead of with stats::dlnorm(y, ...), which makes comparing different families difficult. This function is aimed at rectifying this. See examples.


logLik_lnorm(object, REML = FALSE)

AIC_lnorm(object, k = 2, REML = FALSE)

BIC_lnorm(object, REML = FALSE)



A fitted model object. The model must meet all of the following (will throw an error if not met):

  1. A Gaussian likelihood with an identity link function.

  2. The LHS of the model's formula must use the log() function.

  3. No weights (not yet supported).


Only FALSE supported.


numeric, the penalty per parameter to be used; the default k = 2 is the classical AIC.


REML is not (yet) supported. Make sure you are comparing correct LL/AIC/BIC values.


mtcars$mpg <- floor(mtcars$mpg)

model_lnorm <- lm(log(mpg) ~ factor(cyl), mtcars)
model_norm <- lm(mpg ~ factor(cyl), mtcars)
model_pois <- glm(mpg ~ factor(cyl), mtcars, family = poisson())

# No, that first one is wrong...
(aics <- AIC(model_lnorm, model_norm, model_pois))
#>             df       AIC
#> model_lnorm  4 -19.67061
#> model_norm   4 170.87527
#> model_pois   3 173.59104

aics[1, "AIC"] <- AIC_lnorm(model_lnorm)
aics # better!
#>             df      AIC
#> model_lnorm  4 168.5609
#> model_norm   4 170.8753
#> model_pois   3 173.5910

# Should support any model really... =====================
model_lnorm <- lme4::lmer(log(mpg) ~ factor(cyl) + (1 | gear), mtcars, REML = FALSE)
#> boundary (singular) fit: see help('isSingular')
model_norm <- lme4::lmer(mpg ~ factor(cyl) + (1 | gear), mtcars, REML = FALSE)
#> boundary (singular) fit: see help('isSingular')
model_pois <- lme4::glmer(mpg ~ factor(cyl) + (1 | gear), mtcars, family = poisson())
#> boundary (singular) fit: see help('isSingular')

# No, that first one is wrong...
(aics <- AIC(model_lnorm, model_norm, model_pois))
#>             df       AIC
#> model_lnorm  5 -17.67061
#> model_norm   5 172.87527
#> model_pois   4 175.59104

aics[1, "AIC"] <- AIC_lnorm(model_lnorm)
aics # better!
#>             df      AIC
#> model_lnorm  5 170.2152
#> model_norm   5 172.8753
#> model_pois   4 175.5910